Hi Minna-san and welcome to the my library!
Here you can find all different kinds of fanfics concerning Val and Filia. Hopefully I will have all the V/F fics ever created here someday. I have all the fanfics labeled just in case there is some material that is not suitable for children or to warn you ahead if you don't like to read certain things whether it is violence or lemons. More fanfics to come. Enjoy!
Fanfic Codes
G - Everyone can read
PG - Slight swearing, nothing bad
PG-13 - Swearing, adult situations, violence
R - Excessive swearing, adult situations, violence, sexual situations
NC-17 - Very graphic sexual situations
The Dark Lemon Trilogy:
[Part One: Verguenza] -When forgiveness is not an option and learning the truth rips the soul, a sacrifice is made. Even though sometimes it is too little, too late.
Rated: NC-17
Pairing: Valgaav/Filia
Warnings: Lemon, strong YAOI reference, violence, semi-noncon, dark, angst, and AU.
Authoress: Suten Net
[Part Two: Zozobra] -Sacrifice has altered everything. Forces of darkness strive for the spoils of victory. Fierce shall be the battle; fierce shall be the claiming of the prize.
Rated: NC-17
Pairings: Xellos/Filia, Valgaav/Filia
Warnings: Violence, dark, angst, nudity, and AU.
Authoress: Suten Net
[Sorrowful Night] -'A short poem about Valgarv's feelings for Filia.
Rated: G
Warnings: None.
Poet: Layden Careha
[Ribbons and Bows] -Filia brings the joy of Ceipheedmas to Gaav's Fortress and, most notably, to Valgaav.
Rated: R
Warnings: - Sexual Innuendo, Partial Nudity.
By: Suten
[Only Love, Only Hate] - A story about Valgarv's coflicting emotions about a certain gold dragon.
Rated: PG
Warnings: None
By: Tara-hime
[Midnight Hunger] - Filia thinks she is safe in her warm bed but it is the last place she should be.
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: PWP, Lemon, slight violence, rape, NC, AU
By: Tara-hime
[Just An Old Fashioned Love Song] - a fluffy V/F song-fic.
Rated: PG
Warnings: None
By: Suten
[Extreme] - Filia experiences penance.
Rated: R
Warnings: Partial Nudity, Dark Angst, Violence
By: Suten
[For Herself] - A perspective into Filia's life from her childhood to the end of Try.
Rated: PG
Warnings: Spoilers
By: Zanne Chaos
[Forbidden Love] - Currently offline until I revise it.
Rated: R
Warnings: Spoilers, adult situations, language, and violence.
By: Tara-hime
Chp. 1
Chp. 5
Chp. 9
Chp. 13
Chp. 2
Chp. 6
Chp. 10
Chp. 14
Chp. 3
Chp. 7
Chp. 11
Chp. 15
Chp. 4
Chp. 8
Chp. 12
[The Illusion of Truth] - Valgaav has survived the battle against Darkstar and Filia comes to his aid, but is he as safe as she thinks? When Xellos shows up, who is her friend, and who's really her foe?
Rated: R
Warnings: Spoilers, adult situations, language, and violence.
By: Zanne Chaos
Chp. 1
Chp. 5
Chp. 9
Chp. 13
Chp. 2
Chp. 6
Chp. 10
Chp. 14
Chp. 3
Chp. 7
Chp. 11
Chp. 15
Chp. 4
Chp. 8
Chp. 12
Chp. 16
Chp. 17
Chp. 21
Chp. 18
Chp. 21 1/2 (Warning: Lemon)
Chp. 19
Chp. 22
Chp. 20
[All Through the Night] - Sequel to The Illusion of Truth. Now that Valgarv is gone, Xelloss is going to play.
Rated: R
Warnings: Spoilers, adult situations, language, and violence.
By: Zanne Chaos
Chp. 1
Chp. 5
Chp. 9
Chp. 13
Chp. 2
Chp. 6
Chp. 10
Chp. 3
Chp. 7
Chp. 11
Chp. 4
Chp. 8
Chp. 12
[Then Came the Dawn] - The conclusion to the TIOT arc. Valgaav begins to remember. But how can they take on Xellos?
Rated: R
Warnings: Spoilers, adult situations, language, and violence.
By: Zanne Chaos
Chp. 1
Chp. 2
[The Summons] - It's 2003, and magic long ago died. Xellos is a Mazoku with a mission, but unlike any other he's ever undertaken.
Rated: R
Warnings: Spoilers, adult situations, language, and violence.
By: Zanne Chaos
Chp. 1
Chp. 5
Chp. 2
Chp. 6
Chp. 3
Chp. 7
Chp. 4
Chp. 8