
Konnichiwa minna san to Destined Dragons, the internet's largest Valgarv/Filia Shrine, dedicated to the two main dragons of the anime series Slayers TRY and the possibility of love blossoming between them. Now I know that they do not end up as a couple at the ending of TRY, but that doesn't stop me from spreading my madness. You have to admit this is forbidden fruit at it's sexiest!!! ^_^ This shrine has been online since September 4, 2001.

Just a precaution, this site is full of spoilers so if you have not yet finished TRY, or wish to wait, then don't read the information sections marked with an asterisk. Those sections are full of spoilers just so you know. If you have anything relating to Val/Fil please don't hesitate to e-mail me. It will be greatly appreciated! Please enjoy the site!

Last Updated on January 04, 2005


Dark Roses

The V/F Shrine Still Waters Let's Fight Masked Love Waru Bad Blood (Chinese) The Slayers Site

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