Voice Files
Here are a few of my fav files of Valgarv & Filia speaking at various times in Try that Featherfall so graciously allowed me to host here. They're not in any particular order.
Valgarv:"*chuckle* Good answer....My name is Valgarv...One of the proud Mazoku who serve Garv-sama."
//click //
Valgarv: "Shut up shut up SHUT UP!!"
//click //
Valgarv: "Heh..."
Filia: "Valgarv...If, as you wished, you're really about to destroy this world and then purify it, why...why do you look so sad?"
Valgarv: "Grr..."
//click //
Valgarv: "Who are you praying to? God or Demon?"
Filia: "I don't know..."
//click //
Filia: "I can't find any words to say to you!"
//click //
Valgarv: "Oh? Then let me ask you: who do you hate?"
Filia: "I don't hate anyone!"
// click //
Filia: "Everything you said was the truth.....what should I do? What should I do to atone for those sins? What should I do for you to forgive us? What should I do to make you feel better? Valgarv, what sacrifice do you want?!"
Zelgadis: "Filia!"
// click //
Valgarv: "*gasp* UWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
Valgarv: "Finally, I too can end...I can become pure white..."
// click //