Relationships (Webmistress Note:) These interpretations of Filia and Valgarv's relationships are how they appear to me and are purely my opinions. Do not flame me if you do not agree with something here, it's just how I see things, nothing wrong with that. I'm putting all my V/F biases aside.
Lina Inverse
Lina & Filia Lina and Filia become real close in Try, they act just like sisters sometimes because they squabble with each other a lot. They are both alike with their short tempers and violent natures; both will obliterate an entire village if their buttons are pushed just right. They're also kind of prudish, Lina being insecure about her breasts and Filia of any kind of lecherous activity. Their views on life are generally different because Filia is more uptight compared to Lina's "take them as they come" nature. Each of them has a rather vast knowledge on magic and together they make quite the powerful duo. While Lina is more of a tomboy, Filia is lady-like in a sense but can also get a little rowdy in her own special way. Although she doesn't see quite eye to eye with Lina, you can tell that they will be friends for a long time. Out of all the Slayers Lina is the one Filia is most close to.
The words "Take Cover" come to my mind when someone mentions Valgarv and Lina in the same sentence. Valgarv HATES Lina but it is entirely a huge misunderstanding. He was under the impression that Lina killed Garv when in actuality it was Phibby-chan who did. So now Valgarv wants to kill Lina because he believes it was she the entire time. Throughout Try they talk to one another but it ends up with something being blasted in the process. They don't talk civilly either, Val mostly tries to intimidate and threaten her but Lina can dish it out just as much. (Although she got her ass whooped when they first met.) I like to think that at the end of Try, Val wasn't as adamant on killing Lina as he was before and just wanted to find his own solace by purifying the world. It is only after the final battle that Lina realizes what Valgarv's true intentions were. I also don't think that Lina hated him; she fought him to save herself.
If by some act of L-sama Val and Filia were to end up together, I think Lina would be indifferent to it. She would be wary of Val but since she has reached a understanding towards him she would be happy for them. She's the type who would tell her friends' boyfriends "I'm glad my friend has found happiness, but if you break her heart I'll kill you." I also think that Lina believes that Filia would be good for Val in any sort of relationship they choose to have.
Xellos & Filia Xellos and Filia are just like water and vinegar. They are complete opposites and cannot stand one another. It's more so for Filia since of what Xellos had done to her kind centuries ago. Filia greatly annoys Xellos with her "namagomi" references; so far she is the only one who can really get a rise out of him. He enjoys teasing her non-stop and Filia gives him the violent reaction that he expects. They both fight like children most of the time and can never agree on anything. Filia would rather die than say Xellos was right and mostly disagrees with him for the sake of disagreeing. There are times where Xellos will show his true sadistic nature to Filia and she is horrified by his actions, especially when he tells her that he will even kill Lina for the sake of his cause. They do come to a somewhat understanding between each other at the end and Filia seems to take his teasing with more stride than she used to.
Xellos is the next person on Valgarv's hit list. Just like with Filia their relationship is one of pure hatred. He hates Xellos because the mazoku race betrayed Garv so like with Lina he must kill Xellos to avenge Garv. Whenever these two are together they both start fighting and clearly enjoy going up against one another. Their battles become so intense it's a wonder that they don't kill each other at one point. Each are both powerful in their own right but Xellos seems to look down upon Valgarv mainly because he is only a half-breed and takes extreme pleasure in Val's suffering (ex. When Xellos stabbed Val in the arm with his staff). It is this season that we really get a good look at Xellos' evil side. If it weren't for his orders I think Xellos would kill Valgarv at first sight since his first orders were to recruit Val to the mazoku race. Val doesn't sell himself short though for he does get Xellos with a nasty slice through the torso. (A scene I love ^_^)
Let's face it; Xellos probably would not like seeing Val and Filia together romantically. He would more than likely ruin the relationship at all costs. The way I see it, Xellos thinks of Filia as his, a plaything that he doesn't like to share, especially if it's with Valgarv. It might even be considered a low blow for him for her to choose a half-breed over himself. Then again, Xellos would botch things up just for the sake of the negative emotions they would feel. It would be a grand feast to him. There are so many different ways to look at it.
Ok since Lina and Xellos are the ones Filia and Valgarv mainly interact with I'll combine the others into one section. Filia & the others Gourry and Filia really don't interact that much at all and when they do it's mainly for comedic purposes, such as Gourry looking up her skirt when he saw her tail. I don't think Filia has anything against Gourry as a person but no one looks up her skirt without getting a hit from mace-sama. Like Gourry, Amelia and Filia don't interact as much either. They are real nice and polite to each other and both want what is best for the world. She does stand up for Amelia once when Lina was pushing her, and told Lina that is not how to treat a princess. Zelgadis and Filia interact a bit more and have civil talks with one another. They seem to see each other as equals in both intellect and power. Also Filia doesn't seem to be fazed by Zel's condition either and accepts him for who he is.
Valgarv doesn't interact with the other Slayers at all except when he's fighting them. He does manage to provoke Gourry into doing battle with him though.
If they saw a relationship forming between Val and Filia, I would have to say that Zel would be cautious since he's just cynical like that; Amelia would have hearts in her eyes and preach on how the power of justice made their love bloom; and Gourry... well he would probably be happy for them since there would be food at the reception.
Valgarv & Jillas and Gravos Jillas and Gravos are the two servants of Valgarv in the series. They are completely loyal to him, even after they thought he was dead and also when he is reborn. Both are bumblers in their own right but Jillas is very intelligent when it comes to mechanics and how things work. Gravos is mainly the brute strength and isn't very bright but we love him anyway. ^_^ While Valgarv may seem apathetic when it comes to them, he really does care for them. It's rarely shown but he did save them both on the verge of death. Valgarv saw them both as kindred spirits because like him they are the last of their kind.
Filia interacts more with Jillas than Gravos. She saved his life a couple of times, so Jillas looks up to her and I think he might have something of a crush on her. She made Jillas see that life was worth living and is very nice to him. Both of them end up living with her at the end of the series to help her raise Val.
They would be ecstatic to see their master and mistress together. Well maybe Jillas would be a 'tad' jealous but then hey they might even try to instigate a relationship. ^^;
While they all have interesting relationships, theirs is the one I really enjoy. I won't try to make this sound like they love each other but there is a kinship between them. Filia develops a great deal of sympathy for Valgarv and is ashamed to know what her people did to his race so long ago. She tries to make him see the "error" of his ways and doesn't really want to see him get killed or hurt. It's as if she wants to help this man who is still but a lost child in the world and it pulls at her heartstrings. Filia is the only one that Valgarv will actually "talk" to and he is very formal when he does talk to his "Oujou-san." He also has countless opportunities to kill her but doesn't even though she is one of the horrid Golden dragons that he despises. I think he wants her to see things his way and is hurt because she doesn't understand. Also he gives her this smile at the end that could have so many meanings but I won't delve into it any further or I'll be talking with my bias.
For their relationship to blossom into love, these two have their work cut out for them. The first factor against them being the "mother-son" relationship and not to mention the fact that if Val regains his memories, he will have to deal with over looking the fact that he is in love with a descendent of the ones who killed his race. Filia will have her own problems; her guilt over what has happened could prevent her from any attempts to grow close to Val. Then there is the matter that Xellos will do something to server the ties between them and we all know that something will be catastrophic.